You’re welcome here.
Kids Ministry
At Naples Naz, we are partnering with parents to make disciples!
Birth-5th Grade
Student Ministry
In our student ministry, we seek to disciple teenagers who love God and love people!
6th-12th Grade
Life Groups
We were designed to live in community. Study God’s Word, build lasting relationships, and pray for one another.
Food Pantry
We collect donations of non-perishable foods and distribute them to those in need within our church family and community.
Senior Adults
Join the senior adults of Naples Naz for study, fellowship, and ministry!
There are many ways to serve God and connect at Naples Naz: through the A/V team, worship band, kids’ and students’ camps, missions, spring through fall golf league, and more!

“We are so thankful for the warm, inviting
community at Naples naz, and we love that the
word of god is shared every Sunday morning! ”
- Joanie E.
Helpful links
Watch online
Our morning service is live-streamed every Sunday at 10:30 AM on YouTube.
Give online
Donations (tithes and offerings) can be given in person, by mail, or through your local bank. In addition, you can give safely and securely online through Givelify.
Need Prayer?
If you have a need, our staff and prayer team would love to pray for you! Click the button below to send a prayer request.